Saturday, 6 September 2014

24 Fat-Burning Ab Exercises (No Crunches!)

Abdominal Exercises To Burn Fat, Flatten Your Belly, And Strengthen Your Core.
Credit: Getty Images
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Bye-bye muffin top

When most people think "abs," they think the muffin top that blooms over the top of too-tight pants. But abdominals, a set collectively known as the core, includes the many interconnected muscles that run up the back and stretch down to the butt and the front and inner thighs, says Michele Olson, PhD, professor of physical education and exercise science at Auburn University–Montgomery, Alabama. 

Here are 24 moves, from simple to killer, that will keep your daily core workouts interesting!

1 comment:

  1. The Fat Burning Kitchen is an ebook written by internationally renowned trainer and nutrition expert, Mike Geary. Co-author for the book was certified nutritionist Fat Burning Kitchen Program
